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Leadership on Purpose

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    Bill McLellan

    Understanding how people tick quicker is the fastest way to create an exceptional outcome. Why Cubed, led by Bill McLellan, is committed to creating those insights that ensure business owners make an impact on their own future and that of their people.

    Why Cubed, led by Bill McLellan, is committed to creating those insights that ensure business owners make an impact on their own future and that of their people.

    Bill has learned first-hand how to lead, grow and advise corporate sales, operational and leadership teams and he has wide-ranging directorial and military experience. Globally he also has a strong interest in a sustainable future for the planet, having jointly owned directed and led a leading energy management and sustainability analytics advisory firm acquired by a listed entity.

    Bill engaged in energy trading, energy analytics, sustainability and energy advisory services to mid-sized family businesses and ASX listed companies for over 20 years. Within that time, he learned that sustainable outcomes for any business are a function of leadership. The ability of leaders to engage with their people, and how they lead, either makes or breaks bottom-line business success.

    He currently also provides Advisory Board Services for scaling and mid tier organisations.

    Why Cubed provides support to your people to ensure that continuous personal and professional upskilling is made possible and manageable across your entire company.

    Nathan Goodall

    Whilst many businesses associate expenditure on people and culture as a sunk cost.
    Nathan is passionate about proving there is a clear link between investing in people and increased revenue.

    As a highly unique multi-disciplinary practitioner, Nathan has worked across multiple professional disciplines in the legal, financial services and educational sectors, most recently leading and motivating a talented sales team in the insurance industry to consistently outperform revenue targets for over a decade.

    Nathan Goodall is a highly unique multi-disciplinary practitioner, having worked across multiple professional disciplines in the legal, financial services and educational sectors. Nathan previously worked at leading Australian law firm, Clayton Utz.

    With experience in mergers and acquisitions as well as commercial litigation, Nathan acted for ASX 200 companies on a variety of transactions and litigative matters.

    From this wealth of experience, Nathan now provides clients with a blend of multi-disciplinary services consisting of legal advice, management consulting services, specialist sales strategies, as well as being available for non-executive director, advisory board and family council appointments.

    Nathan also participates in seed investment for new and dynamic ventures.

    Why Cubed Metrics

    Leveraging the power of the 5 Perspective Lenses framework
    Various Executive Coaching tools
    REACH Ecosystem
    Harrison Assessment
    Enterprise Analytics
    Engage and Grow Global Engagement Frameworks


    Bill engaged in sustainability and energy advisory services to C-Suite Executives in ASX 100 listed companies for over 20 years. Within that time, he learned that sustainable outcomes for any business are a function of leadership. The ability of leaders to engage with their people, and how they lead, either makes or breaks bottom line business success. 

    Why Business Advisory and
    Mentoring Works

    Actionable insights without appropriate leadership amounts to inaction, or insufficient action. Change is uncomfortable and without the right tools, inertia is the status quo. The Why Cubed team and methodology provides both the data to expose needed changes and the skills to transform leaders into action takers.

    Bill also provides leading edge executive coaching and mentoring both 1:1 and to teams.

    Leadership interviews and Why cubed updates

    REACH Ecosystem Med
    Leadership Masterclass Med
    Paradox in a time of crisis overlay
    Paradox Leadership overlay
    Leadership Lei Shing Med
    Why Cubed WhyQ2 Launch Med
